Monday, June 20, 2011

10 Richest College Dropouts on Earth

10. Roman Abramovich

With $13.4 billion to his name, Roman Abramovich is joint 53rd on the list of the world’s richest people. Abramovich claims to have attended the Moscow State Law Academy, graduating in 2001, and has been linked with the Ukhta Industrial University and The Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas in Moscow. Both of the latter universities deny that he attended, and it is rumored, but unsubstantiated, that he dropped out of the Russian capital’s law school. With sources conflicted about the precise course of events it seems somebody may be trying to change the record here – only in Mother Russia! Still, with an oil fortune, diverse investments and England’s Chelsea Football Club in his possession, all the hearsay surrounding his education is unlikely to bother the Moscow business magnate.

9. Mark Zuckerberg

8. Steve Ballmer

7. Michael Dell

6. Azim Premji

5. Sheldon Adelson

4. Mukesh Ambani

3. Eike Batista

2. Lawrence Ellison

1. Bill Gates